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Chol Gheu Deng the medical laboratory technology staff at the Buckeye shared the February maternity report for the Buckeye Clinic. There were 29 pregnant mothers who visited the clinic for the first time. This is great news because the earlier […]
Chol Gheu Deng, the medical laboratory technology staff at the Buckeye Clinic, shared a report about the work at the clinic in February. People from the island of Dhiam Dhiam cattle camps of Gerwer must travel about one and half […]
“Maternal mortality in South Sudan is one of the highest in the world.” Stated UNICEF’s Chief of Health and Nutrition in South Sudan. Because of the Buckeye Clinic’s work in hiring a trained Nurse Midwife, the clinic’s record of saving […]
The North and South Sudanese Student Association hosted the Sudanese Night at The Ohio State University. Sheer joy would best describe the celebration among Sudanese friends as they delighted in their beautiful culture as seen by the love for their […]
We have had a full and productive day of meetings today including the Jonglei State Minister of Health, the MP (Member of Parliament) for Twic East County, a doctor from the Juba Teaching Hospital who is from the Twic East […]
There is a light rain in Juba this morning. What a surprise! Garden Resort Hotel, the same place we have stayed on the last two trips. We were greeted by our favorite waitress Rosemary, who had a wonderful smile and […]
We had air conditioning last night and had to sleep with sheets and covers. A little different than the 90 degree evenings in Piol. Also NO MOSQUITOES!!!!! Thank God for anti malaria medication. The three hour trip from Piol to […]