On Friday, January 24 government and opposition leaders signed a ceasefire agreement and agreed to stop armed conflict and allow humanitarian aid into affected areas. This is a good first step. The UN reports that 575,500 people have been internally displaced within SouthSudan, 76,100 have sought safety in UN compounds, and 112,200 have fled to neighboring countries. Even with the ceasefire, security in the country, especially rural areas like Piol, where the Buckeye Health Clinic is located, will take some time. Please keep in your prayers the people who have been displaced from their homes (including Jok, and Bol and Ajiel’s families), that security will be established in their villages so they can return home. And pray that the leaders of this new country can reach a lasting peaceful political future for the country.
As soon as it is safe to do so, the Buckeye Health Clinic will be sending in humanitarian supplies of food and medicines into the area where Jok and Bol were born. The Buckeye Health Clinic Steering Committee voted to designate all funds received between now and June 30, 2014 for this relief effort. They also committed to match the first $2,000 received. If you would like to contribute, donations can me mailed to Scioto Ridge United Methodist Church/South Sudan Clinic, 4343 Dublin Road, Hilliard, OH 43026. Contributions can also be made on-line through the clinic website www.southsudanclinic.org .
For current updates on the situation in South Sudan go to one of the links below:
Below is an article on the signing of the agreement: