Health Facts on South Sudan
Children’s health issues:
South Sudan has one of the highest child mortality rate in the world.
- One in five children do not live to age five.
- 42% of children under five are moderately to severely underweight.
- Only 17% of children under five are fully immunized.
Expectant Mother’s health issues:
Maternal mortality rate: 2054/100,000 Live births (one of the highest in the world) as compared to 8 per 100,000 in the U.S.
- For every 50 children born live, one mother dies in pregnancy.
- Only 23% of expectant mothers receive antenatal care from a skilled health professional.
- 14% deliver in a health institution
- 10% are cared for by a skilled health professional
- A 15 year old girl has a greater chance of dying in childbirth than finishing school.
- Only 32% of mothers receive at least 2 doses of tetanus toxiod vaccine during pregnancy
Other health issues:
- Less than 48% have improved drinking water
- Only 6.4% of population uses sanitary means of excretion disposal
- Annual incidence of TB is 325/100,000 (among the highest in the world)
- Less than 25% have access to health care
- Major diseases: Malaria, Diarrhea, Acute Respiratory Infections, Guinea worm disease (South Sudan has 80% of global case load), and Tuberculosis.
* Data from: Ministry of Health, Government of Southern Sudan , Basic Package on Health and Nutrition Services for Southern Sudan, January 2009, and: Sudanese Household Survey 2006