After a three hours, Steve and Jok arrived in Piol from Bor. Although the roads were bumpy, the good news is the roads were dry. The sign that was designed for the Buckeye Clinic is now erected in front of the clinic. It was very special to be here again. They saw many familiar faces. Kuol, (the man under the tree, who passed out aspirin in 2008), and Daniel, the minister, are both employed as community health care workers. Jok met with his grandmother and many family members. They also visited with Bol’s mother, who immediately circled them and prayed. Bol’s father and Chief Aweng Deng had left Piol to reunite with Bol’s sister, after many years.
Although there are many mosquitoes this time of year, it is a beautiful, starry night. Steve and Jok are staying in the chief’s guest tukal (hut) while they are in Piol. They just finished a meal at 8:45pm of beans and rice that Bol’s mother prepared for them.
Tomorrow (Saturday, May 4th) they head out to Panyagor, a two hour ride from Piol, to meet with the County Health Department. Later that day, on the way back to Piol, they will meet Jok’s mother and father in-law for the first time.