In March, 17,500 pounds of rice, beans, corn flour, salt, sugar, and cooking oil was distributed to over 6,000 people from the Piol area. Jok Dau, co founder of the Buckeye Clinic was able to be in Piol to assist with the distribution of the food. A banner was displayed which thanked the schools who had raised funds through service learning programs during the 2014-2015 school year. Thank you to Upper Arlington Strides 4 South Sudan Club, Bexley Middle School, Hastings Middle School, Wellington Middle School. Ridgewood Elementary School, Big Walnut Intermediate School, and Park Street Intermediate School (Grove City).
Also in March, the Buckeye Clinic planted 110 fruit and shade trees on the clinic compound and in the community (Fruit: 50 mango, 20 lemon, 10 avocado, 10 papaya, and 10 guava; Shade: 5 mahogany and 5 fichus aitride). In a few years, 90 of these trees will provide fresh fruit for the village. Ten trees will also provide needed shade for the hot dry season weather that often reaches 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
While Jok was in the village, he conducted interviews with chiefs, elders, and women from Piol to assess the current needs and help the Buckeye Clinic board and steering committee identify future plans. An immediate need was discovered. The clinic latrine was almost full and a new latrine was needed. Because our contractor was still completing the staff housing, he was able to add this to his work schedule. The latrine was completed in early April.