The Current Crisis in South Sudan (Presentation by Bol Aweng)



Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Worthington United Methodist Church Sanctuary

On Sunday, January 19 at 2:00 P.M. Bol Aweng will give an analysis of the current political/tribal conflict in South Sudan.  He has first hand contact with many people in South Sudan who are affected by this crisis.  Thousands have been killed and hundreds of thousands are displaced from their homes.  Many towns and villages have been abandoned as people fled to outlying areas.  They may be safer for now, but most (including Bol’s family) are in swampy areas with no food or shelter.

Bol will talk about events that led to this crisis and give an update on what has happened since it began on December 15th.  He will discuss the current peace negotiations in Addis Ababa and the humanitarian catastrophe that is daily life in South Sudan today.  Bol will also give an up-date on the Buckeye Health Clinic, which he and his cousin Jok Dau built in their home village.