
We are proud to have accomplished the original goals we set back in 2011:

  • Constructed and equipped a maternal and child health care facility with:
    • a four-bed maternity ward, an examination room, and a laboratory
    • solar panels to power lights and refrigerated storage for vaccines and other perishable medications
    • on-site housing for a nurse-midwife and a laboratory technician and other staff
    • a kitchen and dining hall to provide meals for resident staff
    • a rain catchment system of three 5,000-gallon tanks to provide drinking water
    • latrines for use by the staff and persons visiting the clinic
    • a perimeter fence to create a 2.5-acre secure compound for the clinic proper and clinic staff
    • a patient dorm to house patients whose conditions require an extended stay
  • Provided a means of emergency medical transport for patients requiring more specialized care
  • Provided a cell phone charging station for village residents
  • Supplied food aid during the civil war; 17 shipments totaling 221,725 pounds, from 2014–2017
  • Supplied seeds, gasoline, and a tractor to plant crops